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1 . Two or more Singular Subjects connected by and  30 Apr 2014 If there is no error, the answer is '5', i.e., No error. Note : Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any. I have been traveling by local trains (1)  100+ rules of Spotting the Error & Sentence Correction for CDS, AFCAT, NDA or The pdf book also has exercises categorized into three levels, i.e. Easy Level,  3 Apr 2019 ANSWER KEY. In this pdf, you will find Questions from all the topic which is written above, these questions were asked in various government  15 Jun 2020 Spot the errors in the following sentences and rewrite the sentences Answers.

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2018-11-28 · An adjective describes or modifies noun/s and pronoun/s in a sentence.It normally indicates quality, size, shape, duration, feelings, contents, and more about a noun or pronoun. 💯 CLICK HERE FOR THE IMPORTANT ERROR SPOTTING, ERROR DETECTION QUESTIONS FROM NOUN (with detailed solution) Hope the post serves you. Have a great time ahead. Spotting Errors in English sentences exercises, ERROR SPOTTING IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR When use of Articles: e.g. 1.

Error spotting exercises with answers pdf

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Therefore, the first ever question in a sentence correction exercise to be asked is : “Is the verb in ac cor dance with the sub ject?” This is the rule no. ONE Target Exercise 1 Di re c tions Make a choice of the cor rect verb for the sub ject in the fol low ing sen tences. 1. After all the Questions you will find answers below the pdf so you can check which is the right answer and which is the wrong answer. Some Important Questions From The Pdf:- Here I am going to write some questions from the pdf, and for full questions, you have to download the Pdf from the given link. Tips and Tricks to Solve Spotting Errors Spotting Questions - Download PDF!!!

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